Our commitment to monitoring
In line with the Terms of Reference of the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, EU Pledge signatories are required to monitor and report on the implementation of their commitments. EU Pledge member companies have committed to carry out independent, third-party compliance monitoring of the two central EU Pledge commitments every year in a representative sample of EU Member States.
Our partners
The EU Pledge commissioned the following third-party organisations to carry out the independent monitoring:
- Accenture Media Management to review independently EU Pledge member companies’ compliance with the commitment on food and beverage advertising on TV, print and internet;
- BDRC Continental to monitor compliance with the commitment on product-related communications in primary schools; and,
- EASA to monitor the compliance of marketing communications for food and beverage products on company-owned websites (since 2012).
The EU Pledge Independent Reviewer
Lucien Bouis has acted as the independent reviewer for the three successive monitoring reports of 2009, 2010 and 2011. He assessed whether the compliance monitoring, performed by independent agencies (Accenture Media Management, PWC and BDRC Continental) was carried out with an appropriate methodology, resources and diligence.
A former member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr Bouis was Chairman of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) until 1996 and the Director of the French Advertising Standards Authority, Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité (BVP, now ARPP).
The monitoring reports (PDF)
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |